Reduce risk with interest rate hedging strategies

Published on Oct 25, 2021

Reduce risk with interest rate hedging strategies

As the U.S. economy begins to recover in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the historically low interest rates we’ve seen will begin to rise. In fact, long-term interest rates are already on the increase following the passage of the latest stimulus package. A recent Kiplinger report predicts that the 10-year interest rate will grow by 2% by the end of this year, and mortgage rates will bump up as well.

Rising interest rates can represent risks to investors, specifically impacting the value of fixed-income securities. A rise in interest rates causes bond prices to fall, making bond investors vulnerable to losses. Additionally, as interest rates go up, the costs of borrowing money go up as well. This can make corporations more hesitant to take out commercial loans, resulting in less spending, less growth, and ultimately less profit.

Investors interested in mitigating the risks associated with rising interest rates may want to consider the following hedging strategies.

Bottom line: there are a number of hedging strategies that can protect investors and mitigate risk as interest rates begin to rise. Interested as to which financial instrument best meets the needs of your business and can protect your assets in the future?



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