For MCG Consulting, client success is its greatest accomplishment

Published on Jul 26, 2024

For MCG Consulting, client success is its greatest accomplishment

When Paul Murdock founded MCG Consulting Services LLC, a New York-based financial  services firm, he recognized the high bar for entry in this competitive and demanding marketplace—and has been proud of his ability to excel.

“Management consulting in this space requires a specific skill set,” he explains, “and our clients have discerned that we have the specialized expertise required to exceed their objectives.”

Given the team’s unwavering focus on providing excellent service, the firm’s slogan is “We deliver solutions,” and for the past 10 years it has proven to live that ethos.

A reputation for achieving client satisfaction

Murdock’s inspiration for starting MCG Consulting was to provide clients with bespoke advice for their businesses in areas that include compliance, risk management, regulatory reporting, identity management and much more.

While he notes that as a Black-owned business, his team must overcome individual and industry perceptions, its performance speaks volumes, with a track record of loyal clients.

The differential, he says, is their impressive professional resumes and related expertise. For example, Murdock’s experience includes serving as Chief Compliance Officer for BlackRock’s broker-dealer and investment advisors, and prior to that he held leadership positions at PwC and Prudential Insurance Company of America. His team is equally seasoned, with deep backgrounds in compliance and regulatory issues.

“Once our clients understand and recognize our competencies, we are usually awarded the engagements,” he says.

Making an impact through a civic-minded ethos

MCG Consulting doesn’t only make a significant difference for its clients; the firm also is dedicated to effecting change in its community through a robust philanthropic focus.

One of its most transformative efforts is providing mentoring to middle school and high school youths in the greater Essex County community, with a particular focus on Black male students from disadvantaged neighborhoods.

“We want to model the type of high achievement that is available to anyone who dares to dream big and works tirelessly to make it a reality,” Murdock says.

As another illustration of this commitment to education, they provide scholarships to deserving high school and college students and underwrite a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., oratorical contest that is held in Essex County annually, hosted by The Newark Alumni Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. To close out the MLK Oratorical Competition, it hosted a golf invitational that helped raise over $10,000 in scholarships. In addition, team members lend their expertise to various not-for-profit boards.

In fact, this shared devotion to service is one of the reasons Murdock prizes the relationship his firm has cultivated with Valley Bank. While he appreciates the individualized advice and service he receives as a business banking customer, he also is a proud customer because he recognizes how Valley’s philosophy of community engagement aligns with MCG’s core values.

As he looks ahead to the future, Murdock says the firm’s goal is to continue to grow and scale the business, adding that the team has created specific industry alliances with great organizations that will help meet its near-term strategic targets and initiatives.

Leveraging the energy of National Black Business Month

For Murdock, National Black Business Month offers an opportunity to showcase its services and offerings to the marketplace—and encourages all Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs to do the same.

“Highlighting our talents is the most meaningful driver in advancing Black-owned businesses,” he says. “Often, we’re not in the room when meaningful conversations are being had so it’s up to us to help initiate and shape the dialogue.”

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