Life changing power of financial education

Published on Aug 30, 2022

Life changing power of financial education

Valley has entered its fifth year partnering with the Walter Hoving Home (Hoving Home) in Oxford, New Jersey, in their Career Readiness program, providing financial education to women recovering from life-controlling issues, such as human-trafficking, prostitution, abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism, and judicial proceedings.

“Hoving Home fosters a loving and supportive environment for those women who need it most,” says Karen Austin, Market Manager. “The purpose of the program is to transform women from victims to fearless survivors.”

The Hoving Home is a nonprofit, residential discipleship program. The women, of which more than 90% are low-income, live onsite. Residents benefit from a program tailored to enable them to regain their lives, establish a healthy work ethic, gain financial stability, and return to their families having become productive members of their communities. Hoving Home’s Career Readiness Program helps residents obtain their GEDs, attain work-related skills, and receive an education focusing on financial empowerment. There are currently six Hoving Homes locations in five states (NY, NJ, CA, NC and NV) and they’ve served more than 266,000 women since their inception 55 years ago.

“Over the past three and a half years, Valley has volunteered over 60 hours and served over 225 women through our financial literacy outreach,” said Austin. “Plus, we’ve committed an additional 90 hours of general volunteer service activities. Financial education helps ensure the sustainability of the program, as it equips women to have continued success after they graduate.”

Providing financial education to these women is crucial to their future success and Valley is committed to supporting them every step of the way. That’s why in 2018, Valley introduced the Financial Empowerment Toolkit to the curriculum. The “Your Money, Your Goals – Financial Empowerment Toolkit” offered by The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a multifaceted program consisting of 9 modules covering such topics as consumer advocacy, saving, income, spending, budgeting, bill pay, credit, credit reports, debt management, and navigating financial setbacks. In addition to the Oxford, NJ survivor home, Financial Empowerment classes are now conducted by Zoom, for the residents of two homes located in Garrison, NY, one in Las Vegas, NV and another home in Pasadena, CA.

“It’s so important that as a financial institution we do more than just donate and lend money to organizations like Hoving Home,” says Jerry Flach , CSR-CRA Regional Officer. “When our associates, like Karen, offer their expertise and experience toward instilling financial skills and habits to those who need them the most, we can positively impact people’s lives.”

Hoving Home is funded through private donations from individuals, churches, corporations, and foundations. Since 2018, Valley has also provided general operating support to the organization with funding to help cover the costs of room, board, medical needs, personal supplies, therapeutic counseling, and necessities needed to transform the lives of the women under their care.

Donations from Valley have also allowed the Hoving Home to open a computer lab in their facility, with donated laptops, printers, and furniture.


Click here to learn more about the Hoving Home.
