How concerned should you be with privacy?

Published on Mar 28, 2023

How concerned should you be with privacy?
When you stop and think about it, nearly every aspect of your life is tracked, recorded and stored in a cloud somewhere. Your shopping history is captured when you scan your loyalty cards; your car’s GPS keeps record of where you’ve been; your smart watch knows how many steps you took last Tuesday; your e-reader knows what books you’ve read; and your streaming service can predict what you’d like to watch.
So is anything private anymore? And when you embrace technology, does that mean you have to be OK with giving up your privacy? Do you actually read privacy policies when you sign up for a new service (and what do they mean anyway)?
As a consumer in the digital age, these are important questions to ask, especially when it comes to your financial accounts and vital personal information. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your data private and safe from hackers, third party solicitation, and more.

Your Privacy Rights

In many cases, when you agree to terms of service, you are forfeiting some privacy. For example, you’ve probably given permission (knowingly or not) to online retailers and social media sites to track your browsing history so you can be served up targeted advertisements. Everything from political campaigns to real estate agencies to loan companies also can legally purchase your information – and you probably agreed to that on some form somewhere – and try to contact you.

Beyond those types of things, however, if you ever feel that a company might be misusing your information in some way, you may have some recourse. The challenge is that Internet privacy is still in its infancy and new privacy issues are emerging all the time. That said, there are a few key consumer rights to be aware of:

How to maintain as much privacy as possible

While no method is foolproof, being proactive in a few ways can help protect your data and privacy as you navigate the digital space. Start with these strategies:

Valley can help

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud or you’re unsure, please contact your Banking Team, reach out to Valley Customer Care at 800-522-4100, or connect with us at




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